Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Warren Report: 50 Years Later

What we know now, that we didn’t know then.
Presented By: The JFK Historical Group

September 26th-28th

Crowne Plaza East Hotel, Alexandria, VA.
Many of the leading experts on the JFK Assassination and critics of the Warren Commission Findings will be meeting in Washington D.C. on this weekend, to give presentations on the various aspects of this topic.
Ed Tatro, Doug Horne, Phil Nelson, Russ Baker, Gary Powers Jr., Peter Janney, James Wagenvoord (former Life magazine editor and current whistle blower), Don Adams, (former FBI agent and current whistle blower), Rick Russo, ( a key Nigel Turner consultant), and Gerald McKnight are among those that have agreed to give presentations and we are expecting others to be added as we go along.

Dr. Cyril Wecht, will be the keynote speaker at the proposed banquet.